Tuesday, September 14, 2010

pictures,pictures,pictures! Op. Smile, Marathon, Antetezambaro Awesomeness!

This cutie had the cleft palate surgury last year, through Operation Smile and is just back to do a check up with the doc's! Everything looks great!! They're from Antsiranana (Diego), the northern tip of Mada, which is quite hot so many women use a mud/mashed leaf mixture to protect their face from the sun and because they think it makes them have a "tsara tarehy" (pretty face).

A plastic surgeon that I was helping him to understand the story of this wee cutie, by translating.

Just 1 of the cuties I wantd to put in my pocket to take home!!!

Super-cutie #2! (actually she was #331...there were about 400 patients who came to try to get surgury/reconstruction/palate plates with the help from Op. Smile...unfortunately the doc's will only have enough time and donations to compete about 220, but still a big drop in the bucket)

I have to say she was the most "tamana be" (well/ happily settled) in my arms....my heart was melted into jello after spending time with her!

Joanna and I the evening b4 the longest, hardest physical challenge of my life, in our shweet, homemade running shirts....."ALEFA Kanto!" (GO!/u can do it!)

"Mpanao Fahasalamana Zaho" (I'm a worker of health), as Joanna and I took this Tana Marathon opportunity to do some business...advertising healthy lifestyles and activities, and advertising our Peace Corps work here in Mada. :)

" MAtanjaka be zahay!!!" (we're sooo strong!) :) 1 of the several billboards advertising the marathon around Tana, the capital city.

That joyous moment after finishing the 26mile/42KM run, to find my family waiting for me at the finish line!! My momma ran the last 100 yards with me, followed by an hour long, much needed massage! I'm sooo blessed and grateful 4 my beauutiful family here in Radagasikara! This is Dada,Me,Pajhi (9 years old), Momma, and Bableu (1 1/2)

My beauuuuuutiful victory flowers that Beth, fellow PCV, got for me to smell as I crossed the finish line. I needed them with all that smelly sweat!! It was hard, but worth it! LOok at my shweet t-shirt to proove it :)

Best friend, Andrea (she's my hair stylist:)) and I gathering crabs and fish...they were all too small to keep, but was a glorious day in paradise anyways! :)

Bijou, Claudy, Kanto, Mamy, and Andrea soakin up the sun in our home of Antetezambaro

This was me, Aaron, and Katie @ her site with her kids. She's an environment PCV but Aaron and I visited to do a clean water presentation for her village since we're health PCV's. Just a few kids doing the typical Gasy pose of scowling 4 pictures (don't know why....it's not their typical "fomba" (custom) to smile.